Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rosette Christmas Tree

The Thursday Crafters' Club Christmas project of making rosette trees proved to be quite challenging. The process required a "scorer" device; paper cutters; pretty paper; accordion folds and lots and lots of hot glue.  

My first attempt was a small one. I learned quite a bit about rosette making like the accordion folds MUST be accurate and even. I also thought decorated edges would be pretty - instead I think it is too much. As you will see, there are a few lopsided layers! Don't think I'l bother saving this one after this season.

Seven layered rosette tree.

Globs and globs of glue!

The is the full sized tree and I am much happier with the results. I took my time instead of rushing. 

14 layer rosette tree

Added mod podge and fine glitter before assembling.

I'm glad we made these and also glad I invested in the equipment. There are lots of other rosette crafts to try.

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