Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why I always remember October 31st but don't look forward to it...

At the age of 61, my mother died of cancer on October 31st 1985.  Ever since, I find this time of the year difficult, and struggle to "celebrate" Halloween. I enjoy seeing children dress up in costumes and getting excited about play acting their favorite characters, but cringe at horror and slasher films and all the focus on death. I don't enjoy seeing tombstones on lawns or people in zombie costumes. It just doesn't seem right to take death so lightly. I don't get it.

Must be my Catholic schooling.  October 31st, Halloween, is All-Hallows'-Eve which is the night-before-All-Saints'- Day.  While growing up, our school celebrated All-Saints Day, a holy day of obligation and All-Souls Day which is November 2nd. I was taught that all of the people who had died the past year, and were worthy to pass into heaven, did so on November 2nd. While I do recall wearing costumes and trick or treating on October 31st, the more important days are November 1st and November 2nd.  

I don't remember much about my mother's funeral in early November of 1985, but I do recall a conversation I had with one of my mom's friends from church - a nun.  She said "Isn't it nice that your mom died in time for All Saints' & All Souls Day...she's in heaven now".  Thank you sister...at the time that helped, and continues to take the sting away from October 31st.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Photo Sharing

NEW...I am now sharing photos via Flickr. Look to the right for "My Photos" link to view current monthly photos. 

WHY?  Flickr is so easy!
This past summer I've discovered, online, Digital Photography School which I found to be an excellent source on how to use my digital camera.  DPS is a community of photographers of all experience levels who come together to learn, share and grow in understanding photography.  I enjoy the Weekly Assignments (no prizes, just bragging rights) and Games & Challenges.  Receiving and giving feedback is quite rewarding. They have tutorials, tips and many forums.  

For more info on Flickr go here:  http://www.ehow.com/how_2031217_sign-up-flickr.html