Saturday, April 19, 2014

Recycling National Geographic Magazines

Our craft class instructor showed us how to alter paper and reuse it. We started with a solvent/cleaner called "citra solv". I was able to purchase my own bottle at "The Outpost" store in Tosa. Either put it in a spray bottle, or just poke a few holes in the top and sprinkle it on the inside pages of a National Geographic magazine. (Best to do this in a well ventilated area.) Close the magazine and leave it alone for 20-30 minutes.Then start to open the pages and see the magic! What was there, is either fuzzy, or totally altered into a beautiful abstract. Tear out the pages you like and place them on newspapers to dry (or outside on the grass if it is warm and not windy). Once they are dry the papers can be used for a number of crafty things. I used it for my "iris folding" as shown in the leaf below; I ripped it into smaller pieces and decoupaged a wooden frame and a boring flower pot. There are many more things that can be done with the papers - check it out here:

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