Saturday, August 3, 2013


Do you have a special folder for SPAM emails?  I do. Yahoo does a pretty good job of filtering these junk messages for me.

Daily I select "all" and delete them permanently. However, I've noticed myself doing this more than once a day so I decided to let them accumulate for a week to see just how many show up. This past week 150 emails showed up in my SPAM folder. That is more than 20 a day for crying out loud!

Today I sorted this list by "sender" to see if this was being caused by only a few senders. It turns out there are 70 different "senders".  But...that is only what it looks like.  Actually what appears to be duplicate senders are not - the spammers use a slightly different address each time they send a message. What a pain!

Yahoo allows me to BLOCK 500 addresses from even getting into the Spam folder.  I'm up to 126 after this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I wasn't aware of this 500 address limit. I wonder if that is why I've started to see more and more spam in my inbox? I think I might be in for an e-mail change soon.
