Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finger/Toe Pulse Monitor

After experiencing chest pain a couple of days ago, I spent several hours in ER. The friendly folks there ran EKGs, blood tests, and gave me a couple nitroglycerin tablets. Four hours later they decided I was not in imminent danger of a heart attack; blood clot or lung issues so sent me home with instructions to have my primary doctor order a Stress Test.  Bright and early this morning I headed back to the hospital to do just that.  Result:  "No evidence of an exercise induced reversible perfusion abnormality" meaning "normal".  Still not sure what caused the pain, but at least I know it wasn't my heart. Perhaps "growing pains"?  

While in the ER I was hooked up to the typical machines. The IV was not bothering me, but if you've ever had to wear one of those finger pulse monitors, you know how annoying it can be. If you take it off the machine beeps. After four hours I was starving and asked if I could have something to eat. So I found another place to put it while I had my snack.

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