My guess is our Panasonic 42" HDTV will last longer than I will. I say this because it is so rarely on anymore. You'd think now that I'm retired that it would be on all day; but I don't find much worth watching to bother. And, I've become use to the sounds of silence. When the weather is nice and the doors and windows are open, the sounds of birds and children fill my ears. I'd much prefer picking up a book or taking a power nap than listening to nonsense on TV.
There are some television programs though that I do enjoy but prefer to record on the DVR so I can watch it when I want to; and quickly bypass commercials.
American Idol; Madmen; Downton Abby; Call the Midwife are a few programs I DVR.
The DVD program through Netflix has been my source for most movies and lately, a few TV programs I don't subscribe to on cable. I've been utilizing my laptop computer more often than the TV. I pop in the DVD, plug in my headphones; sit back in the recliner and get lost in the stories. I know Netflix has streaming, but I haven't heard much good about what they offer.
Thanks to Amazon Prime though I've started streaming a marathon of "The Good Wife". Two seasons down and three more to go! I've setup the Sony Blu-ray player to stream too so perhaps the TV will get a bit more use. That's assuming both of us want to watch the same thing - a rarity in our household. I may cancel Netflix soon.
If you stream, tell me what you've particularly enjoyed. I should be finished with "The Good Wife" in a week or so!